Donor ID: 4694
আপনার শেষ রক্তদানের তারিখ বা মোবাইল নম্বর বা আপনার প্রোফাইলের তথ্য আপডেট করতে Login করুন...
The gift of blood is the gift of life.
Information (Optional): I am always interested to give my A Positive Blood to any patient who needs blood. I am serving in a Tea Garden which is situated at Bhujpur, Fatikchari, Ctg. Any required people may be contacted on time and before 12.00 hours so that If I stay at Garden then I can come to give blood.Last Donation Date (Optional): 26-01-2016
Status *: Donate BloodContact
Contact Number *: 01711204168Area *: Halishahar
District *: Chittagong
Facebook ID (Optional): Mohammed Mujib-ur Rahman
Email *: Send an Email