Donor ID: 2097
আপনার শেষ রক্তদানের তারিখ বা মোবাইল নম্বর বা আপনার প্রোফাইলের তথ্য আপডেট করতে Login করুন...
Donate! It is a bloody good job.
Information (Optional): Due to Hepatysis B, I won't be able to donate blood though. It was identified whenever I have gone to donate blood to one of my colleque. Now its in neutral stage. Register here to get/provide help to others whenever needed.Last Donation Date (Optional): Last Donation Date Unknown
Status *: Donate BloodContact
Contact Number *: 01820103790Area *: Mirpur-11
District *: Dhaka
Facebook ID (Optional):
Email *: Send an Email