Donor ID: 2096
আপনার শেষ রক্তদানের তারিখ বা মোবাইল নম্বর বা আপনার প্রোফাইলের তথ্য আপডেট করতে Login করুন...
Donate Blood, Save lives.
Information (Optional): I have faced many difficulties in several times whenever I needed blood for my relatives, friends and others. I know How it feels when a patient need blood and his/her relatives are looking for just a bag blood, But they won't get any one.We (Me And Friends) have a facebook group (Blood Donors) called Asho Jibon Bachai.
Here is the link :
I've donated blood 33 times. So Pls Donate Blood, Save Lives.
Last Donation Date (Optional): 9th October, 2017
Status *: Donate BloodContact
Contact Number *: 01715669955Area *: Dhanmondi, Road # 9/A
District *: Dhaka
Facebook ID (Optional):
Email *: Send an Email